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Norio Tera: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Japan’s Media and Entertainment Industry

Following the news is critical for getting a pulse on what’s really happening in Japan—the events and trends that are shaping Japanese culture in real time. Additionally, Japanese entertainment such as television shows, video games, and comics refract culture as a prism does light, enabling people all over the world to analyze and reflect its content. Norio Tera, digital news…

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How Ikkyu Built Trust with Kyushu Tea Producers

Aldo and Joëlle arrived in Japan more than ten years ago. Attached to good terroir, they wanted to import Italian products. However, unpredictable events made them move to Fukuoka, on the island of Kyushu. There, they fell in love with the local green tea and, with some friends, they ended up founding Ikkyu, an online tea shop that supports Kyushu…

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Richard Katz: Inflation, Startups, and Japan’s Economic Future

The longer you live abroad, the more vested you become in the economic stability and success of the country you now call home. Having lived in Japan since 2009, my livelihood is firmly rooted here, and I can’t help but be intrigued by Japan’s unique economic situation. After briefly exploring how the current wave of global inflation has impacted Japan,…

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Lee Chapman: Chronicling Change in Tokyo through Street Photography

Tokyo-based photographer Lee Chapman is no stranger to change. The Manchester, England, native came to Tokyo in 1998, and through his photography, he has been shedding light on the overlooked backstreets of the city ever since. With work featured in the Guardian, The Japan Times, and The Economist, just to name a few, Lee’s portfolio documents neighborhoods that exist in…

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Public Photography in Japan: Laws, Rules, and Etiquette

After more than two years of isolation, Japan is on the cusp of reopening, albeit ever so slightly, to international tourists. This means, barring any COVID-19 flareups, it’s only a matter of time before shutterbugs from around the world once again descend upon Japan, a paradise for photography lovers. However, before you dust off your DSLR camera and favorite fixed-focus…

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Who Are the Ainu, and What’s Their Story?

Did you know that Japan has been a multi-ethnic country since its inception? If your response is “no,” you’re not alone. Apart from the Yamato (the dominant ethnic group in Japan, often just known as “the Japanese”), there are three other indigenous ethnic groups in Japan: the Ainu, the Bonin (also known as the Obeikei), and the Ryukyu (also known…

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Saving the Cats of Amami Oshima Island

Amami Oshima cats live on an island between Kyushu and Okinawa, blessed with hot weather, white beaches, beautiful sea, corals, and a tropical forest with unique fauna and flora. In 2021, it became a UNESCO World Heritage site. However, it is lesser known for its “feral cat management plan,” a euphemism for culling cats that are considered a threat to…

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Dating in Japan: Tips for Finding Love in the Land of the Rising Sun

An endless parade of books, advice columns, blogs, and apps are constant reminders that the search for a significant other is rarely easy. Looking for love in a foreign country adds an extra layer of complexity comprised of language barriers, unfamiliar customs, and countless cultural differences. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the isolation that came with it, made the last two…

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How to Become a CIR in Japan: Focusing Your JET Program Application Statement of Purpose

The JET Program: Most people who have considered working in Japan have probably considered applying. While it is most known for the role of ALT (Assistant Language Teacher), roughly 8% of participants move to Japan as a CIR (Coordinator for International Relations). Although there is a wealth of information available for ALT applicants, there is relatively little targeting those aspiring…

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Life After Japan: The Lasting Impact of Living and Working Abroad

For those with more adventurous personalities, taking advantage of the opportunity to live abroad is an obvious choice. For many of us, however, the idea of living in a new country, with all the language and cultural differences that come with it, is a difficult decision, even for an incredibly appealing country such as Japan. Ironically, returning home after several…