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Using a Kindle in Japan: 4 Reasons to Buy One, and 4 Steps to Make it Work for You

The first time I went to Japan as an exchange student, I got a little too excited with the books. Books, and not just textbooks, are amazing language learning tools, and Book Off and the Amazon.co.jp marketplace were my weaknesses. It’s safe to say that my luggage was overweight from buying everything from Japanese classics to Japanese translations of some…

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Landing a Job in Japan in 2022: Career Outlook for Foreign Residents

To be honest, when I first conceived of this article, I was overly optimistic. In the fall of 2021, COVID-19 cases in Japan were at an all-time low, and there was that blink-and-you’ll-miss-it window where students and workers from abroad could once again enter the country. Then came the Omicron wave, and despite World Health Organization guidance to the contrary,…

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Discovering Kyoto’s Gardens through Interactive Live Documentaries

Andrew William is a U.S. national who has been living in Kyoto for more than 10 years. After a career in garden design in both countries, his love for the town and its lesser-known gardens has led him to share them with guests in a very unique way. Through his company, An Design, he offers not only in-person tours of…

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Nagareyama City Mayor Yoshiharu Izaki: Diversity and Municipal Marketing in Japan

I first learned about municipal marketing in the mid-2000s while I was earning my MBA in California. During that time, The City of Riverside Development Department hosted an on-campus presentation about promoting the city to businesses around the country, and the world, to create a vibrant community and increase economic activity. Upon graduating, I joined the city’s marketing team and…

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The Temple University Library: Unique English Resources Hidden in the Middle of Tokyo

In early December 2021, I was invited to visit Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ) by Justin Sanders, head of its Continuing Education Department and Kokoro Media reader. The visit focused mainly on the university’s library, as I had been told it was packed with wonderful resources in the English language. It was an occasion for me to learn more about…

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Apartment Hunting in Japan: 20 Lesser-Known Tips to Find Your Right Match

Apartment hunting can be an exciting and/or daunting task, no matter your country. While there are many factors to finding the perfect place in Japan that overlap with apartment hunting abroad, there are likely many differences to be aware of as well. However, searching for general apartment hunting tips in English can sometimes even be downright unhelpful. “Check the thermostat,…

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Culture Shock: Dealing with Your Own Foreignness

“One day in Spain, I stepped into a puddle and just burst into tears. There was no reason for a puddle to have such an intense effect on me, but I now recognize that as being at my low point in culture shock during study abroad.” 19-year-old me smugly listened to this story by my university study abroad orientation advisor….

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Japan’s Train Station Songs Are More than Mere Melodies

As an endless sea of people funnel through long, narrow corridors, the din of marching feet is drowned out only by an endless stream of megaphone announcements. As you approach the ticket gates a new sound permeates the atmosphere—the incessant digital beeps of electronic commuter passes being swiped over sensors. Finally, upon reaching the platform, the train station auditory experience…

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Aguyoshi’s Funny Tokyo Street Dances

Aguyoshi is a very peculiar dance duo. You may have seen some of their intriguing, poetic, and funny videos on social media, especially on Twitter and Instagram. Formed by contemporary dancers Aisa Shirai and KEKE, the duo explores the streets of Japan (mainly in the wider Tokyo area), letting the places’ shapes and rhythms influence the choreography, which is almost…

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Henry Seals: Citizenship, Communication, and Community in Japan

I first met Henry Seals, a fellow American living in Japan, at a Tokyo-based professional networking event in 2013. At that time, I had no idea I was exchanging business cards with someone who would eventually become a Japanese citizen and the first foreign-born, naturalized human rights commissioner in Japan. Henry is a natural communicator, and this permeates all aspects…