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Eat Fugu and Live to Tell the Tale

For any foodie visiting Japan, eating fugu should be on their list of must-eat foods, since it’s next-to-impossible to have in other countries. Usually, that would involve a trip to an expensive, high-end restaurant. Unless you have fugu fisheries in a nearby bay, which is precisely the case for Takahama town, located on the Western coast of Japan, a couple…

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Kasia on How to Discover Your Purpose in Life and Help Others Do the Same

The Japanese concept of ikigai can be defined as one’s “reason for living” or “purpose in life.” Living in accordance to your ikigai results in a sense of fulfillment. Kasia, founder of Ikigai Connections, has taken this concept to heart and built a business that helps people all over the world live up to their full potential. Through Ikigai Connections,…

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How Science Helps in Revitalizing Japan’s Fishing Industry

Takashi Suzuki is an assistant professor at Kagoshima University and a former project researcher at the University of Tokyo. Now a specialist in marine life and fisheries, he was a student on the Iwate Prefecture campus of Kitasato University student when the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake happened. Since then, he has been devoting his studies and activities to helping the fishing industry and…

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Bringing Japan to America, One Company at a Time: An Interview with Tetsuo “Ted” Kumon

As an American consultant living and working in Japan, I’m always thrilled to meet professionals who are engaged in business between my birthplace and Japan, my adopted home. When I met Tetsuo “Ted” Kumon, a U.S. market-entry specialist, at a trade show several years ago, I was intrigued by his business. In an age where conventional wisdom dictates that Japanese…

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Is it OK to Fly a Drone in Tokyo?

So, you have a drone, or you are thinking of buying one, and you are wondering where you can fly it in Tokyo or other places in Japan without getting into trouble? I have interviewed a drone owner and the manager of a drone store to find out how you can enjoy flying your drone safely, and legally, in Japan….

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How Universal Movement Uses Instagram to Promote Inclusiveness in Japan

Kizu Takami is the creator of Universal Movement. This Instagram account promotes a better understanding and acceptance of people with disabilities in Japanese society. To do so, she uses colorful illustrations and easy-to-read explanations. I have interviewed her to know more about her mission, her creative process, and her point of view about the place of people with disabilities in Japan….

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Tips for Navigating the Rules of Japan

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines social norms as “the informal rules that govern behavior in groups and societies.” As a country with a famously high-context culture, Japan is known for having an endless amount of unspoken rules that conjure up conflicting feelings of fascination and frustration among foreign visitors and residents. In this inaugural edition of Kokoro Media Unfiltered,…

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Answering My Inner Calling – an Interview with Calligrapher Kaku

My First Encounter with Kaku The first time I met Kaku-san was during the fall of 2018. I was working on a project regarding tourism in the town of Takahama, in Fukui prefecture. I was told I was going to participate in a calligraphy workshop. My guide told me, “The calligrapher is very talented–he’s even been invited to exhibit in…

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Seiji Muromoto: Demystifying Japan’s Immigration System

Seiji Muromoto was one of the first people I worked with upon arriving in Japan in January, 2009. We were both English instructors in Shinjuku with lofty dreams and calculated plans for achieving business success in the future. During his lunch breaks, I would always see Seiji studying feverishly, preparing to become a legal professional, specializing in immigration. As someone…

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Three Days in Kamiyama, Tokushima: A Rural Revitalization Success Story

Ryuji Nakayama is a man on a mission. After toiling away for 21 years as one of Japan’s salarymen, Nakayama-san found himself captivated by the alluring countryside lifestyle of Kamiyama, a rural village in Tokushima Prefecture on the island of Shikoku. His sojourns to Kamiyama made such an impact that he decided to pack up his life and transplant himself…