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Japan’s Most Beautiful Bamboo Forest Is in Utsunomiya

Wakayama Farm is an exceptional place in Utsunomiya, a city that can be reached in one hour by Shinkansen from Tokyo. Despite its name having the word “farm,” Wakayama Farm is home to the last carefully tended bamboo forest in Japan. A few years ago, it started welcoming visitors on its ground. Its owner Taro Wakayama tells us about the…

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How to Make Friends and Build a Network in Japan

Moving to a new country is equal parts exciting and intimidating. Living abroad offers endless potential, but unlocking this potential means leaving a lot behind, including frequent interactions with the friends, family and colleagues that define life in your home country. In our latest video roundtable discussion, I joined the Kokoro Media team to talk about making friends, building a…

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Looking Back on 2020 as a Foreign Resident in Japan

This time last year, I was in the middle of a whirlwind U.S. tour, working nomadically, while celebrating the holidays with my family and friends in Washington D.C., Nevada, and California. Upon returning to Tokyo in early January, I couldn’t fathom what 2020 would have in store for Japan and the rest of the world. Obviously, the holidays are different…

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4 Unconventional Tips for Finding an Apartment in Tokyo

Despite a resurgence of Covid-19 cases (at the time of this writing), entry into Japan remains possible via “phased measures of resuming cross border travel.” Under these circumstances, I’ve noticed that a few members of my international network have been able to move to Japan upon completing all of the necessary quarantine procedures. I can only hope that the country…

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In Japan, Healthy Eating Habits Start at School

Fumiko Ichimura is a nationally registered dietitian in Japan. She uses her knowledge about balanced meals in a primary school, where she makes the menus so that children grow healthy and learn to enjoy eating. I asked her about the effects of Japanese food on health, the changes in Japan’s eating habits, and teaching kids about nutrition. The Traditional Japanese…

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Philosopher Coralie Camilli and Her Aikido Journey in Japan

Coralie Camilli is a French philosopher, a black belt in aikido, and a practitioner of Thai boxing. In late 2019, she decided to go to Japan to study aikido and Japanese sword fighting right in their country of origin. Resulting from this experience, in 2020, she published “L’art du combat” [“The Art of Fighting”], a book in which she deals with…

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Zen and the Art of Eating: Appreciating Food through Mindfulness

Disclaimer: This article was produced in cooperation with byFood and contains affiliate links. Kokoro Media may earn a commission from purchases made via the byFood links featured throughout this article. I’m notorious for my perception of food and eating. In my youth, meals were often something that pulled me away from whatever activity or creative endeavor I was deeply engaged…

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Six Ways to Encounter Godzilla in Japan

Some of my earliest memories involve family trips to the San Bernardino, California, Fedco in the early 1980s. It’s an understatement to say that, as a child, I wasn’t very excited about checking out the latest appliances or home furnishings. The real highlight of those shopping trips was excitedly browsing the VHS movie section. (And yes, I realize just how…

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Changing the Negative Perception of Organic Farming in Japan

Masamichi Higa and his wife Sara are the owners of Higa Farm, where they grow organic vegetables that they deliver to their customers as set boxes every week. Organic farming is still something new and misunderstood in Japan, but the young couple is determined to change things. Read on to learn more about organic farming, what farming means in Japanese society,…

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The Problem With Joshiryoku

I am looking at women’s magazines at the convenience store. On the cover of one of them, I can read, “Improve your joshiryoku!” I am in a long meeting. One of my colleagues has prepared snacks and drinks for everybody. Someone says, “Your joshiryoku is so high!” I am on the train. An advertisement advises visiting a specific hair removal salon…