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The Merits of Plain Japanese

In 1995 the Great Hanshin Earthquake devastated the city of Kobe and its surroundings. Over 6,400 people tragically lost their lives during the disaster. According to Kyodo News, the Urban Disaster Research Institute in Tokyo revealed that one out of every 100 Japanese residents in the region suffered injuries. That ratio was nearly double for foreign residents. Experts attribute this…

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Yuki Nivez: Teaching Japanese with Empathy and Precision

When it comes to learning Japanese, there are deceptively simple questions that most teachers struggle to answer. For example, “What is the difference between the particles wa and ga?” Or, ”Why is this word typed without kanji?” When I saw that Yuki Nivez, founder of Bow & Arrow Language, was succinctly answering some of these tough questions via her social…

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No N2? No Problem: 3 Tech Tools for Working in Japanese

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to achieve a certain test score or receive permission to start using Japanese on the job. Of course, if you’re serious about a long-term, Japan-related career, it’s important to study hard and learn as much Japanese as you can. The more you know, the better your chances for success. However, knowing how the…

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Exploring Our Relationships with Japanese Media and Pop Culture

One of my guiding principles in life is to wear my passions on my sleeve. Hobbies, interests, and passions can propel you to amazing places in life and can push you beyond self-imposed limits. In our latest edition of Kokoro Media Unfiltered, we explore the role that Japanese media and pop culture has played in each of our relationships with…

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Why We Should Protect Japanese Bears and Their Home

Eli Sooker is a New Zealand-born nature conservationist. After working for some time in his home country, he started exploring the world on his own and ended up living in Japan. There, he discovered aspects of Japanese nature which people do not often talk about. He also became involved in local bear conservation. In this interview, he explains the conflicts…

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Basic Tips to Read Books in Japanese

As I mentioned earlier this year, one of my objectives for 2021 is to read in Japanese more and expand my vocabulary. Since last December, I have finished reading two fictional books and one poetry book, and I am halfway reading a collection of suspense short stories. In the process, I reflected on a few tips I thought I would…

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The Joy of Japanese Seasonal Products

A few years ago, a friend of mine asked me if I could bring them back a sort of Kit Kat that they had enjoyed so much during their trip to Japan. I had a look in several stores, and after further research, had to announce to them that I could not buy the requested cookies in time. “It was…

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The Japanese Shugendo Religion, Explained

Taichi Tani is a monk in a village in Kochi Prefecture on Shikoku Island.  Although Shikoku is famous for its pilgrimage and numerous Shingon Buddhism temples, Mr. Tani’s temple is outside the pilgrimage route and from another tradition: Shugendo. Shugendo is a Japanese religion mixing Buddhism, Shinto, and Taoism. Ascetic training in the mountains is a central practice. The young monk told…

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How I Learned I Was Making Green Tea the Wrong Way

Disclaimer: This article was produced in cooperation with byFood and contains affiliate links. Kokoro Media may earn a commission from purchases made via the byFood links featured throughout this article. I started drinking green tea more than 15 years ago, during my first visit to Japan as an exchange student. I got a liking for it, and after returning home,…

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Discover Japanese Arts and the People Who Make Them

Japan is home to numerous passionate artists. Some express themselves through traditional painting, calligraphy, traditional dances, or music, while others do it through modern means like animation or modern theater.  Read our interviews of inspiring artists in Japan: their personal connection to their art, their place in Japanese society, and the messages they want to deliver to the world. The…