Dear readers,
Since we received good feedback and signs of interest following our interview with Higa Farm, we have decided to collaborate with Masamichi and Sara Higa to offer you a new kind of experience: online farming!
From now on, Kokoro Media will be renting a small parcel of land at Higa Farm to grow vegetables. We would like to involve you, our readers, in the farming process and get your opinions and ideas via polls. From planting the seeds to cooking the vegetables, you can ask questions and discover what life is like on a Japanese organic farm.
Here are all the articles related to our project, from the newest to the oldest. Each month, we will update this article with the freshest news, so make sure to bookmark it!
December 2021: The Importance of Good Soil
This time, Masamichi shows us how our plants have grown and tells us about the importance of making good soil for organic farming. Click here to read.

October 2021: Selecting the Most Vigorous Plants
Look at how fast our plants bud after being sowed and learn about how to select the more promising individuals. Click here to read.

September 2021: Harvesting Edamame
Masamichi shows us how to harvest edamame so that it stays fresh, and what to do when the shiso starts growing flowers! Click here to read.

August 2021: Tending Vegetables in the Japanese Heat
Now that the rainy season is over, how do you tend the vegetables in the terrible Japanese summer heat? What exactly are edamame? Click here to read.

July 2021: Growing Vegetables during Japanese Rainy Season
Are the satoimo, edamame, and shiso that Masa planted growing okay despite the rainy season? How much do these Japanese vegetables grow in a one-month span? Click here to read.

June 2021: A Happier Life with Greens
In this article, farmer Masa plants our vegetables and shares some trivia about Japanese vegetables. He also shares his knowledge about growing tomatoes in Japan, and answers readers’ comments. Click here to read.

May 2021: You Choose What to Grow!
In this article, we introduce our project and let our readers vote for their favorite vegetables to be grown on our farm. An opportunity to learn about lesser-known Japanese vegetables! Click here to read.